LELO Makes History with ACOG

LELO Makes History with ACOG

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LELO Makes History with ACOG

The ACOG History Museum in Washington DC documents important stages in the evolution of obstetrics and gynecology, from contraception to medical instruments and more. One section that apparently goes down a treat with visitors is the feature on stimulation aids from the past up to the present day, including vintage vibrators complete with multiple cogs, tubes and other industrial-looking components.

Illustrating how far pleasure has come since then are our very own GIGI 2 and SORAYA – whose sleek curves and brightly-colored, body-safe silicone exteriors are a world away from their Victorian era forebears.  We’d love to know what the original pioneers of pleasure objects would make of the superior quality materials, impeccable attention to design and eco-friendly charging solutions that LELO prides itself on today!

With so many other toys out there, we’re honored that it was LELO that ACOG selected to represent the advanced state of modern pleasure objects. We’re not surprised we caught their eye, though – it’s hard to walk past a LELO display, as confirmed by ACOG who say that female OB-GYNs are invariably drawn to our cabinet in the museum.

So thank you, OB-GYNs of America – we love your work too.

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